Friday Vs. WordPress

The upstart vs the veteran 

At Friday, we’ve decided to take on the big guys in web building. We’ve used them all and we could understand the frustrations some customers were having. So we decided to do a little digging, a little listening and a whole lot of research and development. The result? Friday, what we believe is the easiest to use and simplest to manage web builder with one price for everyone.

So of course, we did what all ambitious growing bands do, and compared ourselves to the competition, in this case the veteran of the market WordPress, responsible for 41.2% of the world's websites.

For those of you who have tried and failed at WordPress, left asking yourselves ‘why is WordPress so difficult?’, then don’t be alarmed, we’ll let you in on a secret: WordPress is an OG web developer, not a builder. So there will be some differences. But we think that we stand up to the competition and we know we inject a little more fun into the process too. After all, that’s why we’re called Friday.



If you’re looking for a tool with loads of features, then WordPress is not the one for you. It’s designed for people who are more tech-savvy and have some knowledge of how to code a website.

Unlike Friday and some other WordPress competitors, there is no drag-and-drop feature, hosting, updates, or customer support. All these features are external and made by third parties and you need to either download them for free or buy them. So you have choice, just not within the WordPress platform, and it can cost extra.

At Friday, we have all these features included in our package, from domain name to web hosting, responsive design to SEO, and you won’t have to pay any extra for it. And don’t get us started on the updates… don’t worry, we automatically update everything, so you aren’t in danger of your website suddenly crashing.

Friday website builder is a strong wordpress alternative


Ease of use

So you want a website builder that is easy to use, helps you on your way to designing your site and provides you with a simple, intuitive site to manage at the end of it? Well that’s what Friday is all about. From drag and drop to fun features and customizable templates, we have everything to give you that Friday feeling.

And after running some blind tests on Friday and WordPress installation and configuration, we are proud to say that we scored higher than WordPress in terms of ease of use. This is simply because we consolidate everything you need into one easy builder and WordPress is not the correct tool for most people building a website - it’s just so complicated!

Then there are the multiple subscriptions and accounts you’ll need to run your website in WordPress, the huge learning curve needed to manage it effectively, and the fact that all those plugins will slow down website speed and affect your Google ranking. If you’ve got the technical skills and knowledge of code then WordPress can be great, if not, it can be pretty daunting.



You can build a beautiful website on both WordPress and Friday. However, the WordPress website builder makes this aspect of their platform slightly more complicated, again just because it is a web developer, so you need quite a lot of expertise to manage it, or you can hire someone to design your site for you, which costs more. Add in the costs of all the extra plugins you need and it starts to become expensive.

At Friday, we make visuals easy. You only focus on designing the site - which we’ve made simple with fantastic templates and the chance to customize them. Then, we handle the updates, security, ever-changing technology requirements, hosting, and backups. You put your creative side to work, and we do the rest.

As you work on WordPress, you’ll need to constantly go from editor to preview to see each change you’ve made, while with Friday you’ll see your changes in real time. And on Friday you can switch between desktop, tablet, and mobile views to see how your design works across all devices, ensuring a great site everywhere.

Easy website builder wordpress alternative



So you want a website builder that is easy to use, helps you on your way to designing your site and provides you with a simple, intuitive site to manage at the end of it? Well that’s what Friday is all about. From drag and drop to fun features and customizable templates, we have everything to give you that Friday feeling.

And after running some blind tests on Friday and WordPress installation and configuration, we are proud to say that we scored higher than WordPress in terms of ease of use. This is simply because we consolidate everything you need into one easy builder and WordPress is not the correct tool for most people building a website - it’s just so complicated!

Then there are the multiple subscriptions and accounts you’ll need to run your website in WordPress, the huge learning curve needed to manage it effectively, and the fact that all those plugins will slow down website speed and affect your Google ranking. If you’ve got the technical skills and knowledge of code then WordPress can be great, if not, it can be pretty daunting.

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The verdict

So, who wins the WordPress vs Friday battle? Well while we respect a veteran that’s been on the scene for years, WordPress is a developer not a web builder so is much harder for your average business or individual to manage.

With our easy-to-use format, 24/7 support and all-in-one pricing, we think we offer design freedom and creativity while making it easy to build your website with all the in-built features you need. If you’re an expert, try WordPress, but if you don’t fancy learning to code, then Friday makes things more fun. Come join the party.

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